Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Chinese herbs to treat my skin?

     Skin complaints account for approximately 20% of patient visits to health clinics every year.  Unfortunately, most people seeking out care for their skin complaint often don't think of Chinese herbal medicine as a means of addressing the issue.  This form of medicine can play a strong role in the treatment of a variety of skin disorders that are typically difficult to treat with conventional medications.  In fact, it is often the patients who have tried conventional treatment routes without success that venture on to explore these other treatment options such as Chinese herbs. 
     In my practice I've seen patients who have tried conventional treatments to no avail, at which time they decide to address the issue from a new perspective.  Not only did their skin lesions clear through the use of Chinese herbs but their skin remained stable once completing the course of treatment.  The ability to stabilize the skin and keep it in equilibrium without flares is an aspect of the treatment that makes it a far superior option compared to conventional treatments.  For example, in the case of steroid treatments the inflammatory process causing the skin flare is suppressed.  However, long term use will weaken and thin the skin.  This type of treatment requires continual reapplications of the steroids to prevent any rebound flares.  Discontinuing the use of steroids topically will usually result in an exacerbation of the skin condition once the suppressing agent is removed.  So the underlying problem is never dealt with when using a conventional steroid treatment.  

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